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Parents and Students ~

Use the links below to continue to practice skills learned at school. This list of safe and reliable online websites will help you to continue to grow and master the skills needed. Please refer to your “Tech Ticket” for username and passwords to access private class websites.  Students - make sure you have permission from your parents before going online! Happy learning!





  • E-Learning for Kids


    • This website is a great tool for all areas of math, science, reading, health, life skills, and keyboarding. The website provides a variety of educational videos that teach difficult grade level concepts while relating to the real world. These concepts are directly connected to the Common Core Standards.


  • LearnZillion


    • LearnZillion is an effective tool for reteaching concepts and strategies that are difficult and challenging. Each lesson is similar to being in a classroom, where it begins with an overview, builds up to the lesson, and has practice questions at the end. This website is organized by both grade level and Common Core Standards for easy navigation.


  • National Geographic for Kids


    • National Geographic is a highly engaging website with leveled texts which include photos, audio, and videos surrounding animal and nature. Not only does this website provide reading material, but students are engaged in activities that require them to write and apply deeper levels of thinking.


  • IXL


    • IXL is another great site connected to Common Core standards in the areas of math, language arts, science, and social studies. Within IXL, students are able to practice grade level skills in a quiz-like way. This interactive tool allows the learner to receive instant feedback. If constructive feedback is needed, IXL explains in thorough detail the correct steps and thinking needed to arrive at the correct answer. Students are also provided a visual with their explanation.


  • Prezi


    • Prezi is a fun way to present information using transitions and effects. Similar to a PowerPoint presentation, Prezi allows users to select a template, select a creative path to represent the information, insert images and videos, and present the information in a variety of ways by sharing, downloading, etc. The options for presenting is endless and can be created and presented in different locations. Students love using Prezi as it is a creative and fun way to present their hard work!


  • Popplet


    • Popplet is a fantastic brainstorming tool for students to organize their thinking in a fun way. Students enjoy using Popplet to gather their thoughts and ideas by color coding similar ideas, capturing facts, and including images. Popplet is a great tool for pre-writing as students can see how their thoughts are connected and should be organized as they being the writing process.

  • Quizlet


    • Quizlet has a lot of great components to it. For starters, the teacher or student, can choose to create their own quiz and related activities from scratch or the user can search the site for already created quizzes by other users. Once a topic is selected, the options are truly endless. Quizlet can support all learning as topics range from science concepts to reading strategies.

(you will need your technology login card to access)

  • Freckle


    • Freckle is a great resource for both reading and math. This will be one of the resources we will be using during our math and reading workshop technology block. It has great connections to Common Core Standards and provides students content at their independent level.

  • ReadWorks


    • This is another website we will be using during stations and throughout our daily learning. Students will build vocabulary, stamina, and background knowledge. Each article is packed with great information and is meant to be something that students can get both knowledge and joy out of.

    • Feel free to create a FREE parent account so you can use this at home too!

  • Epic


    • Students will explore a variety of books that interest them in Epic. Students narrow down books by selecting their preferences and Epic gives them the best books for those interests. We will be using this at school, however for it to be used at home, it then becomes a paid site. The first month is free. 

  • Kahoot


    • Kahoot is a fun way to practice a variety of concepts in game form. Students may select from quizzes already made by others or connect to their teachers’ account by using a given code. Here, students use various forms of technology (computer, tablet, cell phone, etc.) to answer a series of multiple choice questions surrounding a topic. Once students have responded, the data is collected and presented for all to see in a bar graph. Points are kept electronically, which makes students push to try harder to reach the top.

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